

Through monthly financial support, prayer and letter writing, sponsors invest directly in the lives of children living in extreme poverty.

The children attend church-based child development centers where they receive life-changing opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach, and which build on, add to and extend their school lessons.


Babies in poverty are too often the victims of infant mortality. Millions of children in Africa die within their first year of life due to a lack of resources, delivery complications, malnutrition, and preventable diseases. This should not be happening.

Our Survival initiative focuses on promoting development and survival of the most vulnerable babies while also providing education and support for the mother or primary caregiver.

Youth Development

There’s nothing like seeing a young person emerge from poverty as a true leader. That’s what our youth development initiative does — it equips youth ages 12 and older with customized training and educational paths according to their own unique potential, and God-given talents and purpose.

Through the provision of our youth development initiative, students may receive assistance with formal education needs, non-formal education opportunities and income generation training.

Medical Assistance

Children living in poverty are especially vulnerable to disease and sickness. Your gift provides a child in poverty access to medical care that would otherwise be nearly impossible to obtain, including emergency care that can literally save their life. Give today and change a life forever.

Let’s make something together